Boost Your Blog Posts
Check out these new lessons for bloggers who are looking to give their posts a boost and hopefully get more views and comments.
Blogger Of The Week
This learner gets a visit from Manu, our Ako Hiko blogging mascot designed by Daniel @ Waikowhai Primary School.
Blogging @ Ako Hiko
Blogging supports and makes sense of ‘Learn, Create, Share’ for learners in Ako Hiko classes. Ako Hiko learners in 1:1 digital environments have personal blogs as a supported online space to:
Learn to SHARE as Cybersmart digital citizens
Utilise the affordances of technology to CONNECT with others to BUILD KNOWLEDGE and SHARE their learning
CONNECT with whānau and the wider community.
Blogs are used to ENGAGE and motivate learners through reading and writing for an authentic, real audience.
Expand learning opportunities beyond the classroom and the hours of the school day.
Reconnect with learning they have done, or connecting to learning through other students blog posts